Happy 4th of July,
To all that love this country, “Happy Birthday to the United States of America” the land of the FREE. Governed by the Constitution of the United States.
Powerful isn’t it? We the people to form a more perfect union! My God, (am I aloud to say that), what a place on earth, the United States of America. We should all be proud to say we are Americans. The entire world wishes they could say they are Americans.
On this day of our nation’s birth I think of things that make this place so special. We can go where we want, do what we want and say what we want,
without reprimand or imprisonment. We are FREE to live our lives without fear.
We’re protected by the Constitution written so wonderfully by our founding fathers.
When I go to a sporting event or anywhere the Nation Anthem is sung, by the time we get to the end of the song, I have a tear in my eye. I’ve come to realize what the land of the FREE means. I’ve come to understand what it would mean if those liberties and freedoms were taken away.
From my heart, I understand the sacrifices our men and women in uniform do everyday to protect our wonderful nation. I tear up when I think about the families that lost loved ones in war, and the ongoing sacrifices they make everyday wishing their sons or daughters are still with them.
Today is a special day. This, the United States of America is a special place. Love it, protect it and last but not least don’t ever let anyone try to take it down. Both domestic or from abroad.
Happy Birthday America! From DINO