Last week the governor of Arizona signed an immigration law. This isn't something that should surprise anyone. The law she signed was the same federal immigration law that our federal government refused to enforce.
Since Governor Jan Brewer signed the state law, she's been under direct fire from the left. Some republicans have criticized her as well. Again, to no surprise the republicans that opposed her are involved in re-election campaigns in Latino districts.
Let's look at why she decided to sign the bill. Everyday, over 1.000 ILLEGAL aliens sneak across the border into Arizona, 70% have criminal records. Phoenix, Arizona
has the second highest rate of kidnapping in the WORLD! behind Mexico city.
Today, the left have organized 70 protests across the country. Question; how can the left get the permits and organize 70 proposed protests across the country in less than a week?
If you do your research you will find, the unions are behind the organization of the protest.
Since I started writing about politics, I started to ask the question why a lot.
Why are the unions so concerned with this piece of legislation?
Why isn't the federal government doing their jobs by protecting our borders?
Why is president obama condemning the act of Governor Brewer?
Why are the republican members of congress criticizing her?
I Support the Governor’s decision to sign the bill. If the federal government would do their JOB, she wouldn't have been forced to take this action.
If you're in this country illegally, you're breaking the law. If an American breaks the law they get thrown in jail. When illegal aliens break US law, our federal government gives them amnesty, citizenship and oh yea HEALTH CARE! What a crock of shit!
This country is facing a very dangerous period in our history. Never in my lifetime do I remember such an attack on our FREEDOM. Everything is wrong; democrats and the left are doing and saying things that threaten our liberty and way of life.
Wake up! Everyday the American people fall deeper in debt and loose more of their FREEDOM. If you don’t start voicing your opinion loudly and getting involved you will wake up one morning and realize you’re living in Europe, one step from Communism.
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