Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Yesterday leaders from both parties met to discuss what would happen if the Bush tax cuts are not extended. The long and short of it; it would be devastating to an already struggling economy.

Law makers need to do the work of the people and set politics aside. Quit thinking about re-election or what your party wants you to do. Think about the American people. After all, it was us that voted you into office to represent us, right?

If you earn $50,000 you can expect to pay an additional $2,900 in 2011.
If you earn $100,000 you can expect to pay an additional $4,500 in 2011.
If you earn $500,000 you can expect to pay an additional $10,000 in 2011.
If you earn $1,000,000 (wouldn’t that be nice) you can expect to pay an additional $50,000 in 2011.

The Democrats are having a tough time extending the Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans. I have news for the Democrats; I never got a pay check from a poor person. The wealthy tax paying American’s are the job creators. Small business will lead us out of this recession, not the government.

If you want your elected officials to do the right thing, which is to extend the Bush tax cuts permanently. You have to call, e-mail, and write your senators and congressman. If they don’t hear from the tax payer, they think everything is OK!

Take 10 minutes, turn on your computer and get busy. If you need your senator or congressman’s e-mail address let me know. I’ll be happy to help.

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