Monday, March 22, 2010

America wakes up Monday morning a different nation

America wakes up Monday morning a different nation. I wish I could say a better nation. If you’re a socialist, I guess you think the nation is better.

If you don’t know, health care passed the house Sunday night. I watched hours of debate on C-Span. I’ve read the house bill. What does this mean to you, me and to America?

1. Higher taxes immediately, or as soon as the president signs the bill into law.
2. The American people will not recognize any benefit for 4 years. Yes, 4 years, you will pay for something that you can’t use for 4 years!
If a child has a pre existing condition he/she will be covered immediately.
3. Medicare will be cut over ½ trillion dollars, meaning your grandmother’s Medicare advantage will go away. The ½ trillion dollars will in part fund the expanded benefit to almost 30 million people. Note, I didn’t say 30 million American’s, we don’t know how many of those uninsured are actual Americans. You may see benefit cuts from Americans go to pay for illegals in this country.
4. Government control over your health care. As the government add 30 million new people to receive health care. The government will at the same time reduce the amount of medical reimbursements they will pay doctors.

You will have more people and less doctors to see them. Creating rationing care and long lines.

I’ve been saying this debate has nothing to do with health or care, it has everything to do with CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE! Some call it socialism.

85% of those in this country that have insurance were not unhappy with their insurance. What we did was change the system for 15% of the people in this country.

We could have given the 30 million people insurance and not created the financial burden this administration will create with this piece of legislation.

So what happens next? The bill is signed into law. The conservatives in congress do everything they can to repeal the bill. File laws suits for unconstitutionality.

What we need to do is support CONSERVATIVE candidates for the senate and the house. I don’t care if they are republican or democrat as long as they’re conservative.

I don’t know about you, I’m up for a good fight, how about you?

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