Friday, March 12, 2010

Pick up the phone and give him a call or write a letter

Dear Congressman Altmire,

Look around, can you feel it, can you hear it? Maybe we're not YELLING LOUD ENOUGH! The American people have lost their confidence and their patience with our elected officials.

We don’t want government to tell us what we need. In the obamacare health reform bill -

Nowhere in the bill does it address;
1. Tort reform
2. Buying insurance across state lines to create competition for my business by all private insurance companies.
3. Being able to keep your insurance as you move from job to job

Until you address these vitally important issues, stop wasting time writing bills that will increase taxes.

The proposed bill has nothing to do with controlling health care cost. It has everything to do with controlling the American people. The tax payers will pay additional taxes for 4 years before they see any benefit, are you kidding me?

If you want to do the right thing, truly! START OVER! Get the brightest minds from both parties and lock yourselves in a room and iron out a bill that make sense for everyone, IN LESS THAN 100 PAGES.

Congressman, need I remind you, you work for us, not Nancy Pelosi. When it comes to re-elect, she will not help you, we will. This I guarantee. If you vote yes for this piece of legislation, hundreds of your constituents will canvas your congressional district to make sure you’re not re-elected. No threat, this I promise.

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