Sunday, December 20, 2009


You need to pass this on to everyone in your e-mail box. I hate to keep
painting a picture of doom. I write it as I see it!

Senate votes Monday (actually after midnight) to end debate on Obama

Reid then wants to hold a final Senate vote on his health care bill on
Christmas Eve for Obama's special present. (I don't believe Muslims
celebrate Christmas... the birth of Jesus Christ ).

Until Saturday morning, no one outside of the Majority Leader's
office had even seen Reid's latest version of ObamaCare… no other
Senator and certainly not the American people were allowed to know what
was actually in it. (we were just fed bits and pieces)

So when we say this latest incarnation of health care “reform” was
written behind closed doors... it's not just an expression... it's a
statement of fact. Welcome to the beginning of the 'United Socialist
States". True democracy in this country as we knew it is's now
history....praise the new King....he will be UNSTOPPABLE now !

Senator Mitch McConnell (Republican) put it this way:

"And here’s the most outrageous part: at the end of this rush (For
Obamacare), they want us to vote on a bill that no one outside the
Majority Leader’s conference room has even seen. That’s right. The final
bill we’ll vote on isn’t even the one we’ve had on the floor. It’s the
deal Democrat leaders have been trying to work out in private."

Does this sound like a Democracy...if you think so; drink some more of
this Kool-Aid.

And now get ready for the 'Cap and Trade' bill to be shoved up our
asses....and with it comes huge price increases for just about
everything we purchase....and higher taxes. That should do well for
economic recovery over the next drink so more Kool-Aid to
ease the pain....because we must 'spread the wealth' around dear

I am convinced the biggest terrorist has been strategically embedded to
destroy this country....and most don't even have a clue.

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