Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just back from my trip to Washington DC

I boarded the bus at 5am in Monroeville with 40 other excited patriots. On our way to the rally in Washington DC. Going to talk to our senators about health care, we’re going to change the out come and change their minds. RIGHT! Laura Ingram is the Key Note speaker along with Jim Demint the Republican Senator from South Carolina and several other Senators and Michelle Bachmann the Congresswoman from Minnesota.

I e-mailed Senators Casey and Specters office ahead of time requesting appointments with the senators. Their offices did respond, the senators were too busy to talk with their constituents, so a meeting was arranged with staff members.

While I was at the capitol I wanted to stop and talk to as many senators as possible. I didn’t travel 5 hours on a bus to take pictures. Much to our surprise, President obama called all democratic members of the senate to the white house. I heard the president just got a bushel basket full of new cash from taxpayers he wanted to use to bribe the senators to vote in favor of health care.

That brings me to one of the biggest disappointments of the trip, Joe I’M NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR THIS BILL Liberman. Joe is giving everyone in the country his version of a Hanukkah gift by lying and voting for the health care bill. It was reported that the democrats led by obama was trying to get Senator Liberman’s wife fired from her job so the senator decided, because it was right for the country to vote in favor of the health care bill.

Me and my group of angry conservatives stopped by the senators office and asked to meet with “Diamond Joe”, only to be told he wasn’t available, (go figure!). I said, “that’s fine, I’ll just sit here and wait for him”. I was then told, if I didn’t leave they would have me arrested. Imagine that, a public building paid for by tax payers money, and I being told to leave or be arrested. That set the tone for the day……

Our meeting with senator Specter was missing one thing, (Senator Specter). Senator Specter along with President obama was in the White House lighting menorah candles. The senator was to busy and couldn’t meet with his constitutes. We met with Scott Hoeflich, a young man that has been the Senators chief of state for 3 years, through the republican and democratic days of senator Specter. Talk about a confused man, red or blue… or red…..God just give me purple…..
Scott was very nice, listened to everything we said, even took notes along with other staffers. He got very upset when I accused him of stacking the deck full of Acorn and SEIU members at the senator’s town hall meeting in Kittanning PA.

The meeting with Senator Casey’s staffers didn’t go so well. A bunch of pro lifers were there. And the representative from Senators Casey’s office, Dick Speigelman.
Dick reminded me of Pee Wee Hermann on Prozac. He spent most of his time yelling and shaking. At one point I thought he was going to self combust and catch fire. The other staffer, don’t know her name so lets call her Megan. Megan spent most of her time texting rather than listening to the comments of the 60 people that were crammed into a small room. I left the meeting like most, feeling it was a waste of time.

I visited, senators; Bayh, Carper, Conrad, Landrieu, Lincoln, Ben Nelson, and Olympia Snowe. All the listed Senators were rumored to be on the fence. For one reason or another they were not committing to vote in favor of the health care bill.
I thought I would take my group of well behaved conservatives to their office to voice our opinions and ask them to strongly consider voting no against a bill that will raise taxes and cut care. I know you will not believe this, NONE of the senators were in their offices.

My trip to Washington DC was fruitful. I saw first hand 50,000 people that took time from their busy lives to travel great distances and protest and tell our elected officials to wise up! I’m very optimistic that this is the beginning to a long fight. I’ve never walked away from a fight I believed in. As for our elected officials, they think they’re rock stars, living the dream while spending our money on things you and I wouldn’t buy.

Solution; vote the bastards out of office!

On a side note, I wrote before I left asking you to send me the questions you wanted me to ask the senators. As you read, the senators were on holiday. I did however ask your questions.

Erin, I did tell them Merry Christmas. They don’t care that the health care bill will destroy our economy. Tort reform, are you kidding, all the democrats in congress are lawyers. They are looking at language that will allow companies to buy health insurance from other states. Cap and Trade, isn’t going to pass. As far as the 2% raise, the reason they got a 2% raise when one in ten American’s are out of works is because they didn’t think they could get a 4% raise.

Eli, when I asked why are they raising the debt ceiling, their reply was, why not?
Infrastructure with bailout money, don’t think so! That money was earmarked for other things. They had to bribe Senator Mary Landrieu from Louisiana with $300 million for her vote. Where do you think that money came from?

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