Sunday, December 13, 2009

March on Washinton DC, this December 15th

It's time! it's time we stand up for what we believe in. It's time we the American People fight for our freedom. We've become lazy, things have gone our way for a long time. We live in nice homes, drive nice cars and live in the greatest nation on earth.

There are those that want to change all that! One person in particular is our president and his administration. They're trying to fundamentally change our country. To this administration, fundamentally changing the country means; changing the United States of America to a socialist, Marxist country lead by muslin's.

They're trying to take over every area of our life. Now their trying to take over health care. 1/6 of our economy. Are you kidding me? Government has screwed up everything they tried to fix.

Their spending faster than the presses can print money. Why? to cause the country to collapse under it's own weight. Once this happens weak Americans will run to government for help. We don't need government help, we need the government to get out of the way! We need to vote the bastards out of office.

Our dollar is worth a fraction of what is was. Foreign country's are questioning our credit worthiness. China doesn't want to buy our debit.

I writing this to get you off your couch and take action. Call youR elected officials and tell them to vote NO against health care reform with a public option. Vote NO against the cap and tax legislation.

The democratic congress is going to ram their health care bill down your throat before Christmas, so they think?

This Tuesday there is a march on Washington DC. If you can't make it, tell a friend or relative.

We need to take back our country. We don't want to go down in the history books as the generation that let our free market society fail.


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